Publications, data, code, etc.

Bold font indicates members of our group (either Dr. Pujara or students/researchers directly advised by him). There are links to the pdf, data, and code after each citation.

A complete list of publications can also be found on Dr. Pujara’s Google Scholar page.

Journal Publications


Lin A, Alvarez-Salvado E, Milicic N, Pujara N, Ehrlich D E*, 2023. Hatchling fish disperse using an efficient multisensory strategy, Current Biology, 33, pp. 4917-4925.E4 [pdf]

Bang J Y, Pujara N*, 2023. Homogeneous turbulence in a random-jet-stirred tank, Experiments in Fluids, 64, 185 [pdf]

Ventrella, F M*, Pujara N, Boffetta G, Cencini M, Thiffeault J-L, De Lillo F, 2023. Microswimmer trapping in surface waves with shear, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479, 20230280 [pdf]

Davidson B*, Brenner J, Pujara N, 2023. Beaching model for buoyant marine debris in bore-driven swash, Flow: Applications of Fluid Mechanics, 3, E35 [pdf]

Pujara N and Thiffeault J-L, 2023. Wave-averaged motion of small particles in surface gravity waves: Effect of particle shape on orientation, drift, and dispersion. Physical Review Fluids, 8, 074801 [pdf]


Davidson B, Batista K, Samrah S, Mendoza L M R, Pujara N, 2022. Microplastic contamination of sediments across and within three beaches in western Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 48, 1563–1572. [pdf]

Meza-Valle C and Pujara N, 2022. Flow in oscillatory boundary layers over permeable beds. Physics of Fluids, 34, 092112. [pdf]

DiBenedetto M H, Clark L K, Pujara N, 2022. Enhanced settling and dispersion of inertial particles in surface waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 936, A38. [pdf]

Ma K, Pujara N, and Thiffeault J-L, 2022. Reaching for the surface: Spheroidal microswimmers in surface gravity waves. Physical Review Fluids, 7, 014310. [pdf]


Castendyk D N, Dugan H A, Gallagher H A, Pujara N, Doran P T, Priscu J C, Lyons W B , 2021. Barotropic seiches in a perennially ice‐covered lake, East Antarctica. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 7, 26-33. [pdf]

Pujara N, Arguedas-Leiva J, Lalescu C, Bramas B, and Wilczek M, 2021. Shape- and scale-dependent coupling between spheroids and velocity gradients in turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 922, R6. [pdf]

Pujara N, Du Clos K T, Ayres S, Variano E A, and Karp-Boss, L, 2021. Measurements of trajectories and spatial distributions of diatoms (Coscinodiscus spp.) at dissipation scales of turbulence. Experiments in Fluids 62, 149. [pdf] [data]


Pujara N, Miller D, Park Y S, Baldock T, and Liu P L-F, 2020. The influence of wave acceleration and volume on the swash flow driven by breaking waves of elevation. Coastal Engineering, 158:103697. [pdf]


Pujara N, Voth G A, and Variano E A, 2019. Scale-dependent alignment, tumbling and stretching of slender rods in isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 860, pp. 465–486. [pdf]


Pujara N, Oehmke T B, Bordoloi A D, and Variano E A, 2018. Rotations of large, inertial cubes, cuboids, cones, and cylinders in turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 3, 054605. [pdf]

Pujara N, Koehl M A R, and Variano E A, 2018. Rotations and accumulation of ellipsoidal microswimmers in isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 838, pp. 356–368. [pdf]


Pujara N, and Variano E A, 2017. Rotations of small, inertialess triaxial ellipsoids in isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 821, pp. 517–538. [pdf]


Pujara N, Liu P L-F, and Yeh H, 2016. An integral treatment of friction during a swash uprush. Coastal Engineering, 114, pp. 295–300. [pdf] [code]


Pujara N, Liu P L-F, and Yeh H, 2015. An experimental study of the interaction of two successive solitary waves in the swash: A strongly interacting case and a weakly interacting case. Coastal Engineering, 105, pp. 66–74. [pdf]

Pujara N, Liu P L-F and Yeh H, 2015. The swash of solitary waves on a plane beach: flow evolution, bed shear stress and run-up. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 779, pp. 556–597. [pdf]


Pujara N and Liu P L-F, 2014. Direct measurements of local bed shear stress in the presence of pressure gradients. Experiments in Fluids, 55, 1767. [pdf]


Pujara N, 2015. Experimental and analytical investigations of solitary waves on a beach. Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University.